The Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Mipymes (MICM) and the Center for Industrial Competitiveness Development (PROINDUSTRIA) have received a mission from the Ministry of Production of Peru (PRODUCE) with the aim of exchanging knowledge about the prioritization methodology for industrial park initiatives applied by the Peruvian government. This collaboration seeks to benefit the managers of industrial parks and districts in the Dominican Republic.
During a three-day agenda, the Peruvian representatives will visit the La Vega Industrial Park of PROINDUSTRIA to evaluate actions that can improve its infrastructure and services. This technical and training exchange is part of the cooperation between the MICM, the Ministry of Production of Peru, the Ministry of Economy, Planning, and Development (MEPYD), PROINDUSTRIA, and the Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation (APCI).
The officials will participate in a face-to-face session on the “Methodological Procedure for Prioritizing Industrial Park Initiatives,” conducted by experts from PRODUCE. This knowledge transfer is part of the third meeting of the technical and scientific cooperation working group between the Dominican Republic and Peru, approved on June 17, 2022.
Over 30 managers of industrial parks from both the public and private sectors are expected to attend, including the Duarte Industrial Park and the Santo Domingo 2050 Project Commission. Among those present at the meeting were officials from the Peruvian government, such as César Gustavo Falcón Mallqui and Jorge Martín Gutiérrez Ramírez, along with representatives from the MICM and MEPYD.