Portuaria This event, which brings together leading entrepreneurs in the cruise sector, will offer the country the opportunity to negotiate new cruise lines and increase the stops of existing ones.
The executive director of the Dominican Port Authority (APORDOM) presented to the members of the Florida and Caribbean Cruise Association the progress of Dominican ports in the goal of turning the Dominican Republic into a Caribbean cruise hub.
Jean Luis Rodríguez, director of APORDOM, highlighted the effort of the Dominican government alongside the private sector to increase the number of cruise terminals from three to eight ports, thereby boosting the capacity to receive tourists via maritime routes, with the current figure reaching around 816,408 passengers from January to date.
“Today we are receiving cruise passengers at two anchorages and four cruise terminals (San Souci, Amber Cove, Romana and Taino Bay, the latter two being expanded), we have two more terminals underway (Port Cabo Rojo and Samaná Bayport), a process with the DGAPP for Arroyo Barril and the design analysis of the last one, in Barahona”.
While participating in the twenty-eighth edition of the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) Conference, Rodríguez said: “I want to thank the FCCA for being an important ally in our journey to make our country a benchmark in the cruise industry.”
APORDOM participates as a platinum member of the 28th edition of the Florida and Caribbean Cruise Association Conference based in the Dominican Republic. In it, there will be private meetings with cruise lines, discussion panels on the industry and a Marketplace exhibition.
This event, which brings together the main businessmen in the cruise sector, will offer the country the possibility of finalizing negotiations for new cruise lines and for the existing ones to increase their gigs.
The Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association is a nonprofit trade organization made up of 22 affiliated cruise companies, which operate more than one hundred ships in the state of Florida, the Caribbean, and Latin America. It also includes platinum members composed of government authorities, ports, tour operators, and other service providers.
At the beginning of the current year, the FCCA recognized the Dominican Republic for its strong growth in the cruise industry.