The general director of the Center for Industrial Development and Competitiveness (Pro Industria), Ulises Rodríguez, affirmed yesterday that the industries in the Dominican Republic are experiencing tremendous growth.
During a visit to Listín Diario, Rodríguez expressed that this sector went from having a timid demand to a great demanddue to the economic, political, and social stability that prevails in the country placing it in a good position internationally.
He emphasized that with the Covid-19 pandemic and the container crisis, the supply chain was interrupted, which meant that many companies located in China could not supply the regional, European, and American markets.
However, he said that with this scenario the country continued to produce, and opted for the purchase of the vaccine in time while marketing products to developed nations through the free zone system.
“That made a series of companies that had withdrawn, others that were expanded, begin to arrive in the DR. So, we realized that something was happening, add to that the appreciation of the peso against other currencies,” Rodríguez commented.
In this context, Rodríguez announced that nearly 300 applications for industrial warehouses in free trade zones and other industries outside this model have been registered so far during his management. These applications are for the manufacturing of agricultural products, textiles, medical devices, disposable materials, electrical switches, and cocoa goods, all of which have export potential.
He maintained that when he took office, there were around 12 requests made for these purposes.
The official stated that Proindustria is reaching out to other parks that can offer spaces for the establishment of these manufacturing operations, while also coordinating other areas from that institution.
Additionally, he highlighted that they have recovered 40 warehouses, expanded and built other new ones, such as the two warehouses of 1,600 square meters each. The land designated for developing the infrastructure of the warehouses covers about 107,000 square meters, to be constructed in the free trade zone of San Juan de la Maguana province with a projected investment of approximately RD$95 million, and the groundbreaking took place last Sunday, August 25.
Reopening Parks
The official mentioned that in the past two years, they have reopened three free trade zone parks, including the one in the municipality of Salcedo, which had been closed for 14 years, as well as those in Cotuí and La Vega, with the aim of managing and attending to them.
He recalled that in a general sense, 18 of these industrial areas operate in national territory.
Nearly 200,000 Jobs
According to reports, 191,315 direct jobs have been generated in this sector as of August 2022, with plans to increase that number due to the implementation of additional free trade zones in the country.
The development institution recently began renovation work on the industrial park of the San Francisco de Macorís free zone, where 3,000 jobs will be generated.
This park has 10 industrial warehouses.
In these, Industrias San Miguel del Caribe (ISM), Nova Textil and Macorís Shoes operate, which generate some 180 direct jobs.
Rodríguez highlighted that there are a total of 3,335 industrialists in the country, and that more and more are integrated, which is why they enjoy the incentives of Law 392-07 on Industrial Competitiveness and Innovation.
This, due to the impact of Decree 31-22, mainly on 18 public institutions, which instructed the Government to prioritize micro, small and medium-sized industries in the purchasing and contracting processes of some State institutions.
It should be noted that Proindustria acts as a regulatory and representative entity for all projects, plans, and measures in this sector, with the necessary character and responsibility, which allow it to be truly and effectively competitive.
The director of Proindustria attended the Listín Diario in the company of the executives, José Carlos Guerrero, César Almonte, Ilonka Acosta and Yarisabel Marmolejos.
Industrial Diversification
The industrial park in the Dominican Republic is diversifying and is not limited to the production of textile products.
The approval of the Proindustria law encourages the modernization and renewal of the country’s industrial sector.
Registered industries will be able to receive the incentives outlined in the law.

Durante una visita
A Listín Diario, Rodríguez expresó que este sector ha pasado, de manera notable, de tener una demanda tímida a una gran demanda. Esto se debe, principalmente, a la estabilidad económica, política y social que impera en el país, aspectos que, en consecuencia, lo colocan en una buena posición a nivel internacional.
Además, enfatizó que,
Como resultado de la pandemia del Covid-19 y la crisis de los contenedores, se interrumpió la cadena de suministro. Por lo tanto, muchas empresas instaladas en China no pudieron satisfacer la demanda en los mercados regional, europeo y americano.